PSHE - Relationships

Today, we started our new Jigsaw unit in PSHE all about 'Relationships'. 

Mrs Hurst firstly set us the challenge as part of the 'Connect Us' section of the lesson of passing a ball around the circle only using one arm and one leg.  Our initial thought was that it was going to be easy, but we soon discovered that it wasn't as easy as it sounds! We did learn however, that good communication between each other as we passed the ball was the secret to achieving this challenge. 

We then headed inside for 'Calm Me' which was just so relaxing! Mrs Hurst turned the lights off and played relaxing water music and a calming video of a waterfall on the whiteboard. 

Some of us just sat, other closed their eyes and some of us laid our heads on the table losing ourselves in the moment of complete calm.  

During the main part of the lesson we were looking at jealousy and what this means and how it can occur in situations. We worked in our table groups to separate the scenario cards into two groups, situations where a lot of jealousy might be present and situations which would create less jealousy. 

Here is how one of the groups sorted theirs...



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