Walk and Talk - Making an effort to get to know people

 So, the sun was shining again this morning, therefore we put on our wellies and headed to the field. 

Mrs Hurst set us the challenge of not walking with our friends but instead finding people that we don't usually spend as much time with and that we don't know as much about. 

Here are some photographs of this exercise in motion. It was amazing to see children chatting happily away, laughing and potentially new friendships forming. 

When we got back to the class, Mrs Hurst asked us about whether we had made the effort to seek out someone to talk to who we don't usually spend time with and whether we enjoyed getting to know them. A sea of hands went straight up in the air! We all agreed that this is something we will make a conscious aim to do every so often. 

When we were discussing what makes us calm yesterday, Oscar mentioned that nature has a positive effect in his mood. I think we can all definitely agree that we felt so much better after being outside and enjoying the green spaces we are so lucky to have around us. 


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