Big Writing - Week Beginning 7th February


Week Beginning: 7th February 2022

Poetry - Kennings

This week we will be focusing on poetry.  We will look closely at an Anglo-Saxon form of poetry called ‘Kennings’, which are very easy to write, yet sometimes difficult to decipher! For our Big Writing on Friday, we will be writing our own Kennings, therefore, thinking about synonyms for verbs would be very handy!  E.G., walk = stroll, pace, wander, ramble, trudge.

If you would like to do any homework around the subject...then 10 Dojo points will be on  offer.  Perhaps you could draw a labelled picture...or create a word bank...or even perhaps a Kenning poem?  The choice is yours!

Alongside the kennings, we will also be learning to recite by heart, a class poem for the, ‘Poscars’. If you would like to get a head start, then please check our class blog to find a copy of our   poem...which you can start learning.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr Forrester, Mrs Hurst and Mrs Teague



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