On Friday, we demonstrated how the human digestive system works with the use of some bread, water, lemon juice and washing up liquid as well as a sandwich bag and a pair of tights! In our groups, we had a go at ripping the bread into pieces with our hands to demonstrate the job of the teeth and placed the bits of bread into a sandwich bag. Then, we began mashing it with our hands and adding some water, lemon juice and washing up liquid to perform some more mashing. (The water was acting as the saliva and the lemon juice and washing up liquid were acting as the acid and enzymes that help to break our food down. Afterwards, we handed it over to Mrs Hurst as it got quite messy from here on out! We gathered around the demonstration table and watched as each group came and squeezed the masticated bread into the pair of tights. Poor Mrs Hurst ended up with quite a lot of it on her hands! Then it was completely over to Mrs Hurst to demonstrate the job of the small and large i...
There was certainly lots of enjoyment and giggles going on in 4HT this morning when we were performing the Harry Potter playscripts we had put together. There were expressive voices, actions and props galore. We all really enjoyed watching the performances and Mrs Hurst was so pleased with how we worked together in our groups.
It was lovely, as always, to hear about the objects that the children brought in to show and share with us today. It is great to learn something about the children that we might not already know and it is a great chance for them to practise speaking in front of people and using their oracy skills.
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