International Cultural Day

 This Friday (22nd), we` are holding an International Cultural Day. We are going off timetable and spending the day exploring lots of different aspects of the country that has been chosen for our class/year group. Each class/year group has chosen a different country so that we are covering a whole range of cultural activities across the school.

We would therefore like the children to come in non-school uniform. It would be fantastic if the children could come in wearing some of the colours from the flag for their chosen country. However, we don’t want you to feel any pressure if your child does not own any items of clothing for these colours and would encourage you to send your child in any colours to reflect the vibrancy of cultures we are celebrating across the school.

 In Year 4, we have chosen Germany. Here is the German flag.

We look forward to sharing some photos of what we get up to next Friday with you via our blog and year group page so keep a look out for those. Lastly, thank you for your continued support in allowing us to deliver these important and memorable moments for your child during their time with us at Swan Lane First School.


We look forward to sharing some photos of what we get up to next Friday with you via our blog and year group page so keep a look out for those. Lastly, thank you for your continued support in allowing us to deliver these important and memorable moments for your child during their time with us at Swan Lane First School.





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